Saturday, December 17, 2011

In Business

So we have already have put God as top priority:  [Matthew 6:33 ~  "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all these things (that are identified with as being successful) will be added to you.]  
Let's now look into the business part.  Keep in mind that the business of business is people.  Though in this modern world, there is a ton of technology, there is less and less humanity.  Remember that people want to do business with people they like, trust and respect.  
Southwest Airlines founder, Herb Kelleher, who has done  leadership development with one of their clients,  RIM -Research in Motion Limited
(a Canadian multinational telecommunications company) obviously a fast and innovative technology company;  has these to say:

1)  Deepen human connections.
2)  Build your team.
3)  Meet your customers.
4)  Treat others with respect.
5)  Put people in your priority list.

Remember, likewise that business is all about relationships and human connections.   Say "please" more;  say "thank you" more.